First I Discovered Fire and then I Discovered ePortfolios

One important aspect of eportfolio that is often overlooked and rarely used well is showing change over time.  An eportfolio can produce a website to showcase work, but it can also show the changes behind the work. Sometimes, people want to see what kind of learner you are.  It’s important to show your own learning process.


Why are People so Dedicated to the ePortfolio Idea?


As we go from webinar to webinar asking “what is an eportfolio?,” something nags at me in my mind:  “why are so many people deeply dedicated to the eportfolio idea?”  Maybe that’s where our answer lies:  what is it about the eportfolio idea that is so intriguing, inspiring, or hopeful?


The Owned ePortfolio Space


An eportfolio is a private, owned space that is apart from institutional hegemony.  It is hard for a learner enrolled at an institution to feel they “own” any part of the learning process or the knowledge.  If one does not own something, it is harder to get engaged.  But within your own eportfolio, you can control who enters your space or even who sees your space and the work you are doing.  That’s ownership.  Ownership leads to engagement:  eportfolios instrument the learner’s ownership of their own learning process.


See on Scoop.it21st Century Assessment

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