IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS Global/IMS), the world leader in EdTech interoperability and impact, announces the formation of the Executive Board on Assessment (EBA). The EBA’s mission is to set industry direction for years to come and to accelerate the transition to e-assessment by building on the success of the QTI®v2 (Question & Test Interoperability® v2) and APIP® (Accessible Portable Item Profile®) standards to improve content portability, outcomes data interoperability, enable deeper integration with assistive technologies, and remove barriers to accelerate industry adoption of assessment standards.
Over the last several years there has been aggressive movement toward digital assessment that is being spurred by state and national programs, such as Race to the Top Assessment (RTTA) in the U.S. Indeed IMS Global has seen great progress in the market over the last three years as a result of industry adoption of the IMS QTIv2 and APIP standards, as demonstrated by PARCC in delivering to date over 7.5 million tests using QTI and APIP. There is now additional demand by states and school districts to evolve the standards to improve portability and interoperability of assessment content and to remove the barriers to achieving industry-wide conformance.
IMS Global Learning is a nonprofit member organization that strives to enable the growth and impact of learning technology in higher education, K-12, and corporate education worldwide. IMS GLC members are leading corporations, higher education institutions, school districts and government organizations worldwide that are enabling the future of education by collaborating on interoperability standards and major adoption projects for the digital support of education and learning. IMS GLC also sponsors Learning Impact: a global awards program and conference that recognizes the impact of innovative technology on educational access, affordability, and quality.
Source: www.imsglobal.org
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