“In the words of the guys at Rustici: “Tin Can API (sometimes known as the Experience API) is a brand new specification for learning technology that makes it possible to collect data about the wide range of experiences a person has (online and offline)”.
One of the things this means is that learning professionals could become accumulators and analysers of ‘big data’, with all the implications for handling data responsibly that come with this.
For any learning engagement to be successful it is vital for the educators to gain and keep the trust of the participants. In this ‘big data’ world, where the digital trail we leave behind can be used to target us for goods and services or can fall into the hands of identity thieves and fraudsters, we are all becoming more aware and more wary of who knows what about us. Those of us who work with Tin Can (xAPI) need to think carefully about how we use this new capability, and how it is presented to our learners.
Source: www.transition.co.uk
See on Scoop.it – 21st Century Assessment