Tag: data
Making Student Data Part of the Conversation

In moving Humboldt Elementary to a more data-driven model, one of the first challenges that former principal Cole Young faced was figuring out how to use the data, how to share it, and how to get everyone on…
Read More »Why Opting Out of Student Data Collection Isn’t the Solution

It’s useful to analyze which purposes of student data collection are primary, for which permission is expected and implied when data is collected. Some “primary use” categories are obvious. In order for schools to function, they need basic…
Read More »How to Help Your Students Develop Data Literacy

Can we really measure happiness? How does educational attainment vary across ZIP codes? What does math have to do with charity? Which team has the better athletes, Yankees or Red Sox? These are just a few of the wide-ranging questions that students are asking — and attempting to answer — by ana…
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