Would You Create An Online Course? Here’s Why Some Do (And Some Don’t)

There are a ton of sites out there now for teachers to share lesson plans and resources. Sharing, at least in this case includes having access to platforms where you can both get and give content. Teachers can find…
Read More »What media making and social learning tools are best at engaging learners?

Most agree that classrooms need to provide opportunities for students to create and engage with new media technology. However, that realization still leaves us far from the specifics needed to make it happen. What media making and social…
Read More »Formative Assessment: The Secret Sauce of Blended Success

Although most people probably associate the term “assessment” with quizzes and exams, in reality these high-stakes activities represent a small subset of assessment opportunities. Educationally, assessments can be broken into two larger categories: summative and formative. Most of…
Read More »10 Self-Evaluation Tips for Technology Instructional Specialists

Successful technology integration must include an element of reflection to stay focused on how individual teachers and learners will use this technology in the classroom.
Source: www.edutopia.org
Read More »How Educators Around The World Are Implementing Mobile Learning (And What You Can Learn From Them)

How schools respond to the growth of mobile devices will affect generations of students and their readiness for college and the workforce. It will also impact how well teachers, administrators, and staff do their jobs. We must all do our best to ensure that accessibility and quality remain top priorities as technology develops.
Cited From: http://www.opencolleges.edu.au/informed/features/how-educators-are-practicing-mobile-learning/#ixzz388FDxZoI
Source: www.opencolleges.edu.au
Read More »Do I Need a Digital Teaching Portfolio?

A well-planned, current digital teaching portfolio can be an asset whether you’re seeking a job, being evaluated within your school, or simply demonstrating your professionalism.
Source: www.edutopia.org
Read More »Why Connectivity Matters

Blended classrooms and innovations in education technology are changing the way students learn. As educators, we can teach our students how to utilize online connectivity in ways that support individual interests and passions, and help students meet their own academic and personal goals.
Source: gettingsmart.com
Read More »Standards For Digital Citizenship In Graphic Form

These standards are broken down into 5 categories for students, teachers, administrators, coaches, and computer science educators. According to wikipedia (don’t judge us), this process started in earnest in the late 1990s, and the result today is comprehensive–which leads us to the above graphic from the simplycurious wiki.
Source: www.teachthought.com
Read More »What Teachers Want More than New Technologies? PD Opportunities To Learn to Use them Effectively – EdTechReview™ (ETR)

Without professional development that can give teachers the full practical knowledge on the use of technology, you will not see technology being successfully integrated in the classrooms for better learning.
Source: edtechreview.in
Read More »Ebook Series Explores Digital Media and Learning — MacArthur Foundation

A series of eBooks available for free download goes behind the research in the field of digital media and learning to show how young people learn, play, and participate in the world around them, applying new tools, values, and ideas. The books include articles, blog posts, videos, and interviews published between 2009 and 2013 at the MacArthur-supported Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning, an online publication that explored the intersection between technology and education. The 10 ebooks are divided by topics such as civic participation, digital literacy, games and social impact, mobile learning, and the digital divide. The final book includes conversations with more than a dozen thought leaders, reflecting on how the field has changed and where it is headed next. – See more at: http://www.macfound.org/press/publications/ebook-series-explores-digital-media-and-learning/#sthash.JbnpEOdq.dpuf
Source: www.macfound.org
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