Digital literacies and digital game-based learning (DGBL) are both concepts that have emerged in the educational arena since digital technologies have become all pervasive in every aspect of society. With mobile technologies continuing to develop, games are being used more and more by people of all generations and schools are realising that there is some potential for adopting digital games into the formal setting for learning (Beavis, 2012; Arnab et al., 2012). Digital literacies have been recognised as necessary for successful participation in all aspects of life and are embedded throughout the Australian Curriculum / NSW Syllabuses for the Australian Curriculum within the General Capabilities and Cross-curriculum priorities. There are many similarities between digital literacies and digital game-based learning, yet, it would seem that very little research has been undertaken to make the link obvious between these two concepts.
Throughout this chapter, connections will be made between digital game-based learning and digital literacies to show that digital game-based learning is a powerful pedagogy that incorporates the elements of digital literacies. In showing the similarities, it will be seen that through the adoption of game-based learning, digital literacies can be taught in context. Digital literacies are the skills that connect the learning content (curriculum) and digital games are the platform that these digital literacies can be practised within a meaningful context.
Source: thinkspace.csu.edu.au
See on Scoop.it – Digital Literacies