Month: April 2015
The three biggest (perceived) problems with Open Badges | Doug Belshaw’s blog

I once again found myself in an Open Badges session with the good people from DigitalMe today. It was a very positive event overall and some exciting stuff will happen as a result. Attendees were given a chance to express the things that…
Read More »Badges for Learning: a review of the formative role of badges in two open online courses

The emergence of open online learning courses brings in to sharp relief the viability of existing forms of teacher provided formative and summative assessment. For such courses that carry no charge for participation alternative structures for engaging, motivating…
Read More »Digital Badges / Open Badges Taxonomy

Working on the taxonomy of digital badges / open badges is an interesting empirical and conceptual endeavour. I have been looking into different types of badges as part of the “Discussion Paper on Open Badges and Quality Assurance” on which…
Read More »Great changes in Etherpad-lite v1.5.5 release.

Etherpad-lite is an open source collaborative document editor written in Nodejs. I have mine using a MongoDB as the database and a whack load of plugins to improve formatting options. It runs standalone and is very simple to integrate…
Read More »What Does a School Need to Enable Learning Based on Student Competency?

Many teachers have long been frustrated with static, canned curriculum that doesn’t seem connected to kids’ lives, and testing requirements that drive the learning experience. So they, often in partnership with daring leaders, are pushing back, trying to…
Read More »Designing an e-portfolio for assurance of learning focusing on adoptability and learning analytics

The Assurance of Learning for Graduate Employability framework is a quality assurance model for curriculum enhancement for graduate employability, enabling graduates to achieve “the skills, understandings and personal attributes that make [them] more likely to secure employment and be successful…
Read More »Ontology of “ePortfolio”

What do we associate with “eportfolio”? Deep learning, engaged learning, integrative learning, reflective thinking, metacognition and other cognitive attributes. But also we associate “eportfolio” with identity and personal development. Personal development can apply to learning while enrolled in…
Read More »LMS Industry User Research | Capterra

Capterra surveys over 100 Learning Management System users to uncover how they find, purchase, and use their LMS software. The most popular LMSs among respondents track very well with our previously published research on the subject. Moodle was far-and-away the…
Read More »Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics

In data mining and data analytics, tools and techniques once confined to research laboratories are being adopted by forward-looking industries to improve decision making. Higher education institutions are beginning to use analytics for improving the services they provide…
Read More »Making Student Data Part of the Conversation

In moving Humboldt Elementary to a more data-driven model, one of the first challenges that former principal Cole Young faced was figuring out how to use the data, how to share it, and how to get everyone on…
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