The Paradox Of The Modern Teacher

22 propositions in an attempt to etch out the paradox of the modern teacher.
Why (And How) To Start Teaching Coding In School

Fueled by an incredible demand in the workforce for proficient programmers and the need to teach critical thinking skills, the coding movement in schools has exploded. Furthermore, we all communicate through technology, so we should at least know the basic premise of coding because the gadget sit…
What Is Competency-Based Learning?

Competency-based learning is an approach to education that focuses on the student’s demonstration of desired learning outcomes as central to the learning process. It is concerned chiefly with a student’s progression through curriculum at their own pace, depth, etc. As competencies are proven, stu…
RAIT: A Balanced Approach to Evaluating Educational Technologies

The rapid pace of technological change has become the norm in modern digital and information landscapes. Most operating systems, including both Microsoft and Mac OS, change every year or two; mobile devices develop annually with increasing sophistication; and new social- and cloud-based software …
Considerations For Teaching Students About Browsers And The Web

Teaching students about the internet can be bit confusing. Teachers often shy away from teaching core technology concepts because of this perceived complexity. Without a game plan and the proper visuals it can be very tricky to explain an abstract system like a computer network. The word “inter…
Read More »The 4-step beginner’s guide to blogging in the classroom

Reading a wide range of blogs can give pupils access to new thinking, often from their peers or near-peers, delivered in accessible, bite-size ways. Once you’ve started reading a variety of blogging sites, the next step is to start writing them – learning 21st century literacy as you do so – not …
Read More »How to Help Your Students Develop Data Literacy

Can we really measure happiness? How does educational attainment vary across ZIP codes? What does math have to do with charity? Which team has the better athletes, Yankees or Red Sox? These are just a few of the wide-ranging questions that students are asking — and attempting to answer — by ana…
Read More »Developing Digital Literacy Through Content Curation

See on – Digital Literacies With the vast amount of content that is shared on the Internet, content curation is becoming an essential digital literacy skill for teachers and students. See on
Read More »Visual Communication is a Tech Literacy

See on – Digital Literacies There are a lot of different kinds of literacy that are important, that we actually teach or talk about teaching in school. Today I’m advocating for a kind of literacy that I…
Read More »3 Ways to Get Faculty Up to Speed With Technology

See on – Blended Learning Lab When it comes to teaching with technology, or even teaching in general, most faculty could use a little support. To provide the resources, ideas and inspiration faculty need to become better…
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