How Teachers Will Change the Future of Tech

Imagine for moment if all teachers were technophobic. What would that mean for technology development in the long term? Sure, we’d have some self-taught geniuses, like Bill Gates, who would figure out computer programming all on their own. But they would be outliers, and the majority of students would grow up with the same fear of technology as their teachers. Studies have already shown how this happens with math: a recent survey of seven hundred elementary school teachers found that over a third of them had math anxiety, leading their students to also develop anxiety about the subject.

This means that teachers can have a profound effect on whether their students embrace technology, in the classroom and beyond. The way that teachers present technology skills will also affect what kinds of technological thinkers their students become. Teaching coding as a stand-alone skill is a great way to train future computer programmers. Integrating technology into other subject areas such as history, English and the arts will teach students to use creative, technology-based problem solving skills in many areas. Both are great skills to have.


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