Top 4 Benefits of Using Moodle for your School – Why it Works as a Platform for Student-Teacher Interaction

 ”The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.”

– Carl Rodgers

The aforementioned quote rightly suffices the problem arising in prevalent education system. We have been cultivating ourselves since the early 19th century to use the ever changing and advancing technology. We have witnessed a revolution of “doing things” the novel way, which is through the use of technology but it is sad to know that our teaching or educating methods are still the traditional practices of a chalkboard inside the four walls of a classroom.

People certainly make use of the information available over the internet but there is lack of creativity in the teaching methods. It has been found that students lack interest in lectures over long periods of time, feel anxious to put forward their views/opinions, are hesitant to even ask a question and the list extends on, this results into confused behavior and leads up to long hours of surfing of questions over the vast internet that are left unanswered. So what is the ultimate solution? There are no “un–answers” here. MOODLE is the ultimate answer to all students’ as well as teachers’ worries.


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