When creating transmedia experiences of their own, teachers should think about the platforms available to their students as well as which platform would best suit the narrative extension. The platform should never determine the direction the story development takes. Many free digital storytelling resources lend themselves directly to supporting a transmedia experience in the classroom. Also, blogs, wikis, facebook pages, twitter accounts, and Youtube videos can be useful tools to use as well. It is important to note that the strategies outlined in Weslandia or in ‘Participatory Improv’ and be applied to any story- fiction or nonfiction. When carefully implemented and purposefully planned, teacher created transmedia experiences can have a significant impact on student learning.
See more at: http://digitalis.nwp.org/resource/2545#sthash.UiVU213q.dpuf
Source: digitalis.nwp.org
See on Scoop.it – Blended Learning Lab